TUTORIAL: Hide tutorialYour first step to becoming a successful Tycoon is to form a company. Click the "New Company" link on the left
The value of this share has changed by +10 iKr.
You are awarded one stock point per 100 iKr the share has increased in value. Selling this share will earn you 0 stock points, unless one of the following applies: 1) You will not gain stock points from selling shares in your own company. 2) You will not gain stock points when selling to the bank. 3) You can only gain stock points from 5 shares sold on the market each day. Shares which do not earn stock points are not counted towards these 5..
Below follows a list of all shares in this company and their owners. |
The price of this share has not changed after you obtained it! If you become a gold member, there will be a diagram here! |